Prepping early for holidays pays off

How early is too early to put holiday merchandise on the shelves? Should we wait until December first to put out the Christmas decor?

The Christmas season seems to be creeping earlier and earlier each year. Whether you’d like Christmas to be all year round or not, retail planning is a real concern. According to the studies, customers like to see Christmas stuff out early.

How early?

It’s recommended to plan six months to a full year ahead for holidays. At the very least, that places Christmas planning squarely in the middle of summer.

It sounds a bit ridiculous, but there is a lot of stuff behind the scenes that needs to happen for your holiday sales to go off without a hitch. Placing advance orders on product, and receiving and stocking those items all takes time and planning.

In order for you to receive the product in time for the holiday craze to start, you have to order early.

You should receive your product in October. Don’t worry about storing it in a back room! October may seem way too early to put out Christmas stuff, but studies show that customers actually expect holiday items to appear at the end of October.

Putting your holiday merchandise out early will also get you ahead of the curve when it comes to remaining inventory at the end of the season. You don’t want to end up with too much left-over product. Believe it or not, people would rather buy peanut butter Christmas trees in October than in January.

Don’t go into the holiday season unprepared! Cooper-Booth is currently taking orders for holiday candy from the top brands. 

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