By NACS || January 2024 || Originally published on nacsmagazine.com

1 minute read

A single c-store visit can create a loyal customer—if the customer finds what they’re looking for. And your customers are looking for much more than their favorite salty snack or energy drink.

According to 2023 NACS Convenience Voices data, here are some of the most important things that customers are keeping an eye out for:

Location, location, location: About two-thirds of customers (66.5%) said they are most likely to stop at a c-store in a convenient location for them. The second-most-important factor is price (27.4%).

Keep it clean: One of the most important elements that catches a potential customer’s eye is cleanliness—74.5% of customers who selected a site based on a well-maintained facility said a clean inside and outside of the store is paramount. And keep those bathrooms clean—49.3% of people who stopped to use a store service indicated the restroom is their top priority.

The download on loyalty apps: Most customers (43.1%) would like to stay updated on loyalty program information, while people are least likely (17.8%) to want to receive notifications about sweepstakes and prize opportunities. A third of respondents (33.3%) use their loyalty app to gain rewards or loyalty points.



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